Tart Co Table Top Easel
The TART’s credo is to make art more accessible to people. For more than 20 years, we have been producing a wide range of the easels, pochade boxes, palettes, clipboards and other accessories for artists.
TART company promotes art in Ukraine and abroad. We care of affordability of our products as for Ukrainian so for an international artist. Over the years of production, Ternopil easels have become popular among Ukrainian craftsmen and compete for the primacy with the best European models.
Art is a space for personal freedom that helps a person to express own authenticity and uniqueness. And each of our easel or pochade box gives the opportunity to create freely. Indeed, every year hundreds of young artists from Ukraine and other countries begin their first work on the TART’s easels.
The classical and popular model of table easel is the ideal solution for the artist with limited studio space. It is a compact but sturdy, reliable and very flexible vertical easel. The easel has an adjustable tilt angle and the top clamp fixes different artboards, slabs, and canvases up to 680 mm in height.
This table easel is made of high-quality Carpathian beech wood, sanded to a smooth surface, and permeated with linseed oil that gives necessary moisture protection and a beautiful shade.
This easel is suitable for painting on the premises and for exhibition purposes.
Type: table, H-frame design, portative
Easel height: 1160 mm
Maximum canvas height: 680 mm
Shelf width: 330 mm
Load: to 4 kg
Folded dimensions: 950?330?110 mm