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Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolour Half Pan
The Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolour paint is available in a range of 96 different colours. They come in a range of sizes including half pans, whole pans, 5ml tubes and 14ml tubes.
Each colour within this wide range has been produced to provide excellent colour choice so you can create a unique palette that best suits your work. The half pans of watercolour are often used by the beginner as you generally have more control over the strength of colour. They are also ideal for painting on holidays, painting when travelling and used within your sketchings.
SKU: 6015146:6015146
Delivery £1.50 to the UK for this item (maximum of 3 qualifying items in the basket)
Aureolin Hue
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Cadmium-Free Yellow
WAS £11.75 / £7.05
In stock (Qty:3) Cinnabar Green
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Fields Orange
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Mineral Grey
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Ostwald Grey
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Tyrian Purple
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Ultramarine Ash
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
Backorder 5-10 Days Viridian Hue
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
Backorder 5-10 Days Lemon Yellow Hue-Nickel Titanate
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:4) Nickel Titanium Yellow
WAS £7.53 / £4.52
Backorder 5-10 Days Bismuth Yellow
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:5) Cadmium Lemon
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:5) Winsor Lemon
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Winsor Yellow
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Lemon Yellow Deep
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Aureolin
WAS £11.00 / £6.60
Backorder 5-10 Days Transparent Yellow
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Cadmium Yellow Pale
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:4) Turners Yellow
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:5) Gamboge New
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Cadmium Yellow
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:1) Winsor Yellow Deep
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:4) Indian Yellow
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Cadmium Yellow Deep
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:4) Cadmium Orange
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:2) Winsor Orange
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:5) Winsor Orange Red Shade
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Cadmium Scarlet
WAS £11.75 / £7.05
In stock (Qty:2) Scarlet Lake
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Cadmium Red
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:3) Cadmium Red Deep
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:1) Winsor Red
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Rose Dore
WAS £11.75 / £7.05
In stock (Qty:3) Quinacridone Red
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:4) Winsor Red Deep
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Permanent Alizarin Crimson
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:3) Alizarin Crimson
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Permanent Carmine
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:3) Permanent Rose
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:3) Rose Madder Genuine
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:6) Opera Rose
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
Backorder 5-10 Days Quinacridone Magenta
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:5) Permanent Magenta
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:4) Cobalt Violet
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:2) Permanent Mauve
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:3) Ultramarine Violet
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Winsor Violet(Dioxazine)
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Indanthrene Blue
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:2) Cobalt Blue Deep
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:5) French Ultramarine
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:2) Ultramarine(Green Shade)
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:2) Winsor Blue(Red Shade)
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Antwerp Blue
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Prussian Blue
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Winsor Blue(Green Shade)
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Cobalt Blue
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:1) Cerulean Blue Red Shade
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:4) Cerulean Blue
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
Backorder 5-10 Days Manganese Blue Hue
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:1) Phthalo Turquoise
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:2) Cobalt Turquoise Light
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:2) Cobalt Turquoise
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:3) Cobalt Green
WAS £11.45 / £6.87
In stock (Qty:3) Winsor Green(Blue Shade)
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Winsor Green(Yellow Shade)
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Terre Verte
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Perylene Green
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
Backorder 5-10 Days Oxide Of Chromium
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
Backorder 5-10 Days Hookers Green
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Permanent Sap Green
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Olive Green
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Terre Verte Yellow Shade
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Green Gold
WAS £8.55 / £5.13
In stock (Qty:2) Naples Yellow
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Naples Yellow Deep
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Yellow Ochre Light
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Yellow Ochre
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Raw Sienna
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:4) Gold Ochre
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:5) Quinacridone Gold
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
Backorder 5-10 Days Brown Ochre
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Magnesium Brown
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Burnt Sienna
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Light Red
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Venetian Red
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Indian Red
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Brown Madder
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:4) Potters Pink
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:3) Perylene Maroon
WAS £9.00 / £5.40
In stock (Qty:2) Perylene Violet
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
Backorder 5-10 Days Caput Mortuum Violet
WAS £8.60 / £5.16
In stock (Qty:2) Raw Umber
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Burnt Umber
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:2) Vandyke Brown
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Sepia
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Indigo
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Paynes Gray
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Neutral Tint
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:3) Ivory Black
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:6) Lamp Black
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days Mars Black
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Davys Grey
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Chinese White
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
In stock (Qty:1) Titanium White
WAS £7.90 / £4.74
Backorder 5-10 Days
Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolours
Water colour, more than any other medium, reflects the unique characteristics of the pigments used and our Professional Water Colours use only the finest pigments, and are known for their brilliance, permanence and strength of colour.